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D'Amoure Washburn D’Amoure Washburn
Milwaukee School of Engineering
Major: Mechanical Engineering

Congratulations to this week’s #WSGCStudentSpotlight, D’Amoure Washburn! D’Amoure was the recipient of an Elijah Balloon Payload Team Research Fellowship last year, and a STEM Bridge Scholarship award this year. He is in his junior year at the Milwaukee School of Engineering where he is majoring in Mechanical Engineering.

Last year, as part of his Undergraduate Research Fellowship with the Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium, D’Amoure was introduced to the engineering challenges posed by space and high-altitudes. He and his team were tasked with researching: modular payload design concepts, the ionization of air, power generation from flight turbulence, and the visualization of turbulence. Through his research, D’Amoure learned all about the commercial possibilities for space that scientists and the private sector hope to utilize in the future, taking him a step closer toward his goals.

Presently, D’Amoure’s interest in space science lies in the material and controls testing for spacecraft, proofing the quality of design. He plans on pursuing an internship with NASA and applying for the SMART Defense Scholarship in hopes of serving our country and the Department of Defense. Outside of the sciences, D’Amoure enjoys traveling, music, the humanities, and adventuring, and holds an Associate’s in Arts for Music-Jazz Performance and Mechanical Engineering from Illinois Central College.

Congratulations D’Amoure, and best of luck to you in your future!