Carthage Compliance Resources
Tips for Ensuring Compliance
Know Your Reporting Requirements
From the outset, familiarize yourself with the reporting requirements and compliance measures expected by the funding agency—even before signing the grant agreement. Having these obligations in mind when you initiate your project will set you up for success through project close-out.
Establish a Baseline
To track your progress, you need to know where you began. Quality baseline data allows you to build a strong evidence-based case for the impact of your program and demonstrate why it merits continued support. Return to the research you conducted in your needs assessment and identify the areas where you can illustrate impact.
Ensure Fiscal Responsibility
Financial reporting requirements may require exhaustive documentation. Make sure all project managers and coordinators know the appropriate processes for bids, expense reporting, and other financial considerations. Have your finance department advise on any financial reporting idiosyncrasies required by the funding agency before the project begins.
Stick to Your Timelines
Equally important to staying within your budget is commitment to your work plan. Each implementation time period should have clearly defined targets, and all stakeholders should know what is expected of them. Making sure that all partners and stakeholders give frequent status updates will allow the project manager to record milestones as they occur.