Student Organizations
Carthage has more than 130 student groups and organizations through which students can get involved, explore possible careers, meet other students, work closely with faculty advisors, and perform community service. See a full list of Carthage student organizations on The Harbor, our website for student organizations. The following organizations are popular with students minoring in dance.
NDEO Student Chapter and NHSDA
The National Dance Education Organization (NDEO) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement and promotion of high-quality education in the art of dance. NDEO student chapters encourage participation in activities affiliated with the national organization, including conferences and governance while empowering members to unite on a local level to address important issues and concerns, host activities, and recognize the outstanding accomplishments of one another.
The Carthage College NDEO Student Chapter was established by and for Carthage dance minors and is the only student chapter currently in the state of Wisconsin. The chapter was recognized by the national organization and established as a new student organization in 2013. In its charter year, the chapter provides dance education opportunities for younger dancers and has coordinated campus events that bring awareness to the issue of violence against women. Dance minors who are active NDEO Student Chapter members have the opportunity to graduate with honors through the National Honor Society of Dance Arts (NHSDA).
Carthage College Dance Team
The Carthage College Dance Team has an outstanding tradition of promoting school spirit and supporting Carthage athletic teams. Members of the Dance Team are talented in various styles of dance including jazz, hip hop, and pom. The dancers are dedicated, hard-working, and fun-loving. The Dance Team performs at all home football and basketball games, as well as special events. The team works in unison with the Carthage College Cheer, Twirl, and Mascot teams to enhance school spirit at events on and off campus.
Carthage Swing Dance Society
Carthage Swing Society’s goal is to teach the East Coast Swing dancing style and provide an opportunity for students to experience social dancing on campus. For the past few years, Carthage Swing Society has provided a brief swing dancing lesson to students who attended Lambda Kappa’s Jazz Night. Occasionally, Carthage Swing Society provides opportunities for students to attend open swing dancing nights in the Chicago and Milwaukee areas.
Learn more about Carthage student organizations on The Harbor