History Student Organizations
Carthage has more than 130 student clubs and organizations through which students can get involved, explore possible careers, meet other students, work closely with faculty advisors, and perform customer service. See a full list of Carthage student organizations on The Harbor, our website for student organizations.
Phi Alpha Theta
Phi Alpha Theta is an honors fraternity for history students on campus. Membership is based on a student’s departmental GPA and amount of classes taken within the History Department. It is one of the oldest national academic honors fraternities and has had a chapter at Carthage since the 1960s. Phi Alpha Theta students on campus participate in a wide variety of historical activities each year from speakers, field trips, research projects, and participation in national conferences hosted by the national fraternity.
Model UN
History majors are often interested in Model United Nations, a student-run organization that introduces students to the inner workings of the United Nations and global issues by allowing students to participate in simulations of the Security Council, General Assembly, and Economic and Social Council. Participants travel to conferences and engage in negotiations and debates about global issues that are being discussed by the world’s leaders today.
Mi Gente
Mi Gente, formerly known as Latinos Unidos, is an org that many History majors, particularly those with an interest in Latino history, are interested in. Founded in 1999, Mi Gente aims to educate club members about Hispanic culture: historical events, lifestyles, traditions, religions, and customs. The group is active both on campus and within the surrounding Kenosha community.
To see more Carthage student organizations, visit the harbor