Mathematics Senior Theses
Every Carthage student is required to submit a senior thesis or capstone project to demonstrate their mastery of their chosen area of study. Here is a look at the projects Carthage math majors have created for this requirement.
- “Almost Birthday Problem”
- “The Knight’s Tour on a Cylinder”
- “How Long Is a Game of Snakes and Ladders?”
- “Is an Erratic Golfer or Consistent Golfer More Successful in Match- Play?”
- “Analyzing College Rankings with the Least Squares Solution”
- “Completing the Paradox Rift” “A Spiral Investigation: Can These Irrational Angles Rival the Golden Ratio for Seed Optimization?”
- “Analysis of Possessions for Carthage Soccer”
- “A Statistical Analysis of Babe Ruth: The Best Hitter in MLB History”
- “A Network Analysis of the NBA: Determining the Value of a Rebound”
- “Choking in Golf”
- “Unveiling the Odds: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Winning Hands in 5-Card Stud”
- “A Study of National Football League Overtime using Markov Chains”
- “Sum Sets for the Basel Problem”