Carthage has more than 130 student clubs and organizations through which students can get involved, explore possible careers, meet other students, work closely with faculty advisors, and perform customer service. See a full list of Carthage student organizations on The Harbor, our website for student organizations.

Pi Sigma Alpha

Pi Sigma Alpha, the Political Science Honor Society at Carthage, recognizes superior scholastic ability in the field of political science. Students must have taken a minimum of three political science courses and maintained a minimum 3.0 GPA overall and in political science courses. Pi Sigma Alpha also strives to make its members and the Carthage community better aware of political events and controversies.

Carthage College Democrats

Carthage College Democrats is an organization dedicated to heightening political awareness on the Carthage campus and in the surrounding community. This group sponsors and runs debates, brings politicians and other speakers to campus, and participates in philanthropy and community service projects.

Carthage College Republicans

Carthage College Republicans is an organization that provides a forum for discussion and growth of the Republican Party, serves the Republican Party at all levels, and aids in the election of Republican candidates at all levels of government. The group also strives to develop strong leadership abilities and skills among Republican students as preparation for future service to the Republican Party and to the United States of America.

Model UN

Political science majors are often interested in Model UN at Carthage, a student-run organization that seeks to introduce students to global issues and the inner workings of the United Nations. Students participate in simulations of the Security Council, General Assembly, and the Economic and Social Council. Participants travel to conferences and engage in negotiations and debates about global issues that are being discussed by world leaders today. The organization is for students interested in politics, economics, history, philosophy, geography, the natural sciences, the art of persuasion, or just learning more about other cultures. All majors are welcome.

Student Government

Political science students may be interested in joining Student Government. Student Government works with the administration and faculty of the College to ensure the high quality of life students deserve both academically and socially, to ensure that the policies of the College are in agreement with the beliefs of the students, and to nurture quality leadership within student organizations. Student Government is composed of an Executive Board, a Student Senate, and four standing committees.

Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity

Phi Alpha Delta is the world’s largest law fraternity. While many law students join PAD during their time in law school, pre-law membership of PAD is available while you are an undergraduate. Carthage is one of only three undergraduate colleges in Wisconsin to have a Phi Alpha Delta pre-law chapter. Chapter activities include providing an opportunity for students preparing to enter the legal profession to meet and share information, organizing the annual lawyer’s forum, engaging in charitable activity, and participating in field trips and other events.