Access to Clean Water

Access to clean water has become increasingly difficult in recent years, with more than two billion people around the world not having access to clean, safe drinking water according to the U.N. World Water Development Report 2023. This is due to environmental factors such as climate change, which has dramatically decreased the supply of fresh water. This can be seen where coastal areas have experienced higher salinity in their groundwater. Higher temperatures and increased flooding have also introduced water pollutants in the form of sediment, pathogens, and pesticides into freshwater sources. And an ever-increasing human population has put pressure on the food supply, which consumes a lot of fresh water. This increasingly limited access to water primarily affects women and children from low-income rural communities in developing countries. This is because children are often more susceptible to waterborne illnesses due to lack of sanitation, while, in many cultures, women are in charge of collecting fresh water.

In 2015, the United Nations came together to create 17 “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDG), which aim to address problems that plague the world today. The UN Human Rights Council has made a continued effort within SDG 6 to ensure availability and sustainable development of water and sanitation for all. With the creation of UN Water, which helps coordinate the United Nations work on water and sanitation, and help from the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations is able to monitor and report on the progress towards universal access to safe drinking water and sanitation. The United Nations also promotes adherence to international agreements related to water resources and sanitation, such as the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and the International Decade for Action “Water for Sustainable Development” (2018-2028). These frameworks provide guidance and commitments towards achieving water-related goals.

However, assuring access to clean water for everyone has many challenges. It requires cooperation between countries to ensure the mobilization of resources to address challenges facing water scarcity. Moreover, investment in water-related infrastructure, such as water wells, should be made for increased access to safe drinking water. Figuring out ways to meet each country’s needs is essential to meeting this goal.

It will be your job to find a practical solution that will be effective in increasing access to clean water.

  1. What kinds of challenges does your country face in regards to access to clean drinking water?
  2. Does your country consider water a human right?
  3. What has your country done to provide clean drinking water to its populace?
  4. What kind of infrastructure does your country have to provide clean drinking water?
Resources to consider:

“Building Access to Clean Water in Support of Sustainable Development Goal 6.” UNICEF Supply Division, 2 Feb. 2023,,and%20other%20critical%20health%20issues.

“United Nations.” Water – at the Center of the Climate Crisis, United Nations,

“Water: Coordinating the UN’s Work on Water and Sanitation.” UN,

“- SDG Indicators.” United Nations, United Nations,

Work cited:

“SDG Indicators.” United Nations, United Nations, Accessed 15 June 2024.

“American Leadership on the Sdgs.” Unfoundation.Org, Accessed 15 June 2024.

“Building Access to Clean Water in Support of Sustainable Development Goal 6.” UNICEF Supply Division, 2 Feb. 2023,,and%20other%20critical%20health%20issues

“Facts and Statistics.” WaterAid, Leading Water Charity, Est. 1981. 25.9 Million People Reached with Clean Water, Accessed 15 June 2024.

“United Nations.” Water – at the Center of the Climate Crisis, United Nations, Accessed 15 June 2024.

“Wake up to the Looming Water Crisis, Report Warns.” World Meteorological Organization, 16 Mar. 2023,

“Water: Coordinating the UN’s Work on Water and Sanitation.” UN, Accessed 15 June 2024.