8 pieces of the best advice for incoming freshmen from current Carthage students

1. Take your time.

College is a life adjustment that takes a little getting used to, and that’s just fine! Carthage’s welcoming atmosphere, helpful faculty and staff, and friendly students are here to help your transition. Just remember to bask in the moment. Everyone makes mistakes, but those mistakes help you learn and grow! 

These students agree that you should cut yourself some slack when it comes to the adjustment of college and live in the moment:

“My advice would be to give yourself time. It takes time and patience to adjust to a new life, and allowing yourself to experience new things makes the process much more enjoyable,” says DaJanay Greenwood ’27.

“It’s fine if you don’t do good at the beginning; just keep on working hard and not be afraid to ask for help whenever you need it. Do the things that are best for you, be your own supporter, and believe in yourself that you can make it no matter what!” says Xingchen Liu ’26.

“It takes time and patience to adjust to a new life.”

2. Get help when you need it.

Carthage staff and faculty are here to help you, and they want to! The Brainard Writing Center and Peer Tutoring are excellent resources for help on assignments, the Center for Student Success supports students on their journey to a degree, and The Aspire Program offers help with career development. Take advantage of your professors’ office hours — stop in to go over homework, prepare for a test, or just say hello.

These students believe that incoming first-year students shouldn’t be hesitant to reach out to staff and faculty for help and to form new connections:

“Learn as much as you can, never stop questioning, and be bold — don’t be afraid of making mistakes. Your professors are there to help you every step of the way,” says Nadia Musaitef ’25.

“The Carthage faculty have consistently tried to be helpful and understanding. All of my advisors have reached out to me when they thought I needed help, and they are super flexible when it comes to wanting to meet or discuss any issues you are having with anything. I have a good relationship with my advisors and professors, and that is so easy with the small class size. You become part of a community, and the professors are always willing to help if you reach out,” says Skylar Farr ’26.

“The faculty here at Carthage have affected my life so much, even though I’ve only been here for a short while. The faculty are always there to check in on me if they notice that something’s wrong, are there to help me when I’m struggling, and are always there for a laugh. It was really important to me to choose a college where I could have a relationship with my professors, and at Carthage, I feel like I’ve built those relationships already,” says Emma Faucault-Miller ’27.

“The professors are always willing to help if you reach out.

3. Do what you love.

Finding a field you love is not only important to your happiness, but it will also invigorate your work and studies with passion and excitement. Don’t worry if you’re unsure of your path; Carthage’s welcoming staff and faculty will provide you with all the time, resources, and inspiration you need to discover your passions.

These Carthage students urge incoming first-year students who don’t know what field to go into to explore different areas of study and utilize Carthage’s resources to find what they love:

“My advice for you is to do what you love. There is always something out there in the real world after college that you can use your degree for. Don’t let caution or fear of the future stop you from doing what you love,” says Danae Palmer ’25.

“Pick a field that brings you joy to think about. If you don’t know what you want to do yet, that’s okay! Pick something you’re intrigued by and would like to learn more about. You never know where it will take you!” says Kara R. Oldham ’26.

“As a freshman, I had no idea what I wanted to major in. I ended up changing my major three times during my freshman year. However, with the help of the Carthage faculty, my career specialist in The Aspire Center, and my student success advisor, I was able to find where I belonged and what I truly loved. I went to multiple meetings with my advisors, and each one made me feel that I belonged at Carthage and that I didn’t have to worry about choosing a life path right away,” says Gabriella Tanguay ’25.

“Don’t let caution or fear of the future stop you from doing what you love.”

4. Get involved and meet new people.

Coming to a new place can be unnerving if you don’t know anyone, but, at Carthage, you can easily meet people with your same interests. The College has over 130 active clubs for you to join, and if one of those doesn’t interest you, you can make your own!

These students agree that you can make new friends just by going to events, joining teams, participating in class, and more:

“The best ways to make friends is to join extracurriculars! Also, especially at the beginning of the year, don’t be afraid to talk to the people in your hall and try to be friendly with them!” says Colin Graham ’26.

“Being part of the Math Club and the Society of Physics Students has been an incredible experience. I attended conferences and met great people in both clubs. They provide a supportive community of like-minded individuals, and I’ve made valuable connections. These clubs have enriched my college journey, deepened my knowledge, and fueled my passion for mathematics and physics,” says Héctor Rauda ’25.

“The best way to make friends at Carthage is to join different organizations and campus events! I met some of my closest friends through the different organizations that I’ve joined, such as Mi Gente or Student Government. Being in a sport is another great way to make friends, as you can have a support system that will always be there for you. Being on the wrestling team here has given me the chance to make great friends who I hope to have for the rest of my life,” says Basil Kiracofe ’27.

“I met some of my closest friends through the different organizations that I’ve joined.”

5. Make study buddies. 

One tip some Carthage students agree on when it comes to studying is doing it with a partner! Whether you are just sitting beside each other and working alone or if you utilize each other’s presence to test your knowledge.

Although it’s not for everyone, these students agree that it gives you a change of scenery, and it’s beneficial when it comes to completing your assignments:

“Study with friends who are also studious. It helps so much to get in that mindset when you have someone else holding you accountable,” says Kelly Steele ’27.

“The keys I have discovered to pushing through are finding study buddies to meet up with on a regular basis; never being afraid to reach out for academic, social, or mental help; taking detailed notes in class and reviewing those notes habitually; and most importantly, not getting discouraged if your first plan doesn’t work,” says Diego Alessandro Castañeda ’25.

“Find out what works for you and stick to it. If studying alone and reading things out loud is for you, then do it. If studying with a friend and doing flashcards or practice quizzes works best, grab a friend from class and get to it. But do not push anything off. Life gets in the way sometimes and it is easy to forget about due dates, but utilize that Google calendar and study hard,” says Jeanette Ackerman ’25.

“The keys that I have discovered to pushing through are finding study buddies.

6. Look after yourself.

Starting your college journey can be scary and nerve-racking, but don’t overthink it! Carthage has plenty of resources when it comes to health. The Health and Counseling Center assists students with physical, mental, and emotional well-being. All meetings are confidential and provided by experienced professionals.

These students recognize the importance of taking care of yourself and finding enjoyment, especially when you’re in college:

“Take care of yourself. Your mental health matters. You decide what you want to do! Don’t let anyone tell you what you should or shouldn’t do,” says Shahrazad Shahin ’26.

“The best advice I have is to enjoy the little moments. Whether it’s a walk by the lake, hanging out with some friends, or attending a club meeting, it’s important to get joy from the small moments. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the list of things you have to do and miss the fun along the way,” says Lilia Hackert ’27.

“Enjoy the little moments.”

7. Take advantage of the campus.

Carthage sits on the coast of beautiful Lake Michigan and is surrounded by nature. Additionally, Carthage’s state-of-the-art buildings offer comfortable locations to lounge around in between classes. Take advantage of the campus; take a walk on the beach, go to the Starbucks in Hedberg Library, or hang out with your friends in the David A. Straz Jr. Center! Carthage has various activities around campus that you can indulge in to take a load off.

These students share their favorite spots around campus and what they enjoy most about them:

“My favorite spot on campus is easily the beach. Doing some light rockhounding along the edge of the water during my class or study breaks is so fun and is also a great way for me to learn about minerals and other geological facts,” says Josh Maraldo ’26.

“Without a doubt, one of my favorite spots on campus is the spacious room in the David A. Straz, Jr. Center. It’s a cozy haven where you can relax on the comfortable mats lining the stairs. This inviting space has become my go-to spot to unwind after classes, catch up with friends, study, enjoy a meal, charge my devices, and simply soak in the campus atmosphere,” says Summer Zilisch ’26. 

“My favorite spot on campus is a tie. One is walking up and down the shore of Lake Michigan, especially after a long or stressful day. The best stress reliever I have found is throwing rocks into the lake with friends while talking about what’s on my mind. My other favorite place is within the Hedberg Library. It is by the chair closest to the painting of geese taking off from a river titled ‘Wings over the Horicon.’ I love the painting when I sit there; I feel like I can’t help but find a book on the shelf that catches my interest enough for me to pick it up and read it,” says Iris Toney ’25.

“This inviting space has become my go-to spot to unwind after classes.”

8. Make memories!

College is an exciting new era in life; you should have some amazing memories to accompany it! Carthage has tons of events throughout the academic year that allow you to get out and have some fun, ensuring you have the best college experience!

These students share their best memories they’ve had at Carthage:

“One of my favorite Carthage memories was the first week of freshmen year. It was full of different events and activities. My friends were getting together every day, and I was the most involved during that time,” says Anna Polietaieva ’27.

“I love bingo nights. These are some of my favorite events throughout the semester. It is a great way to take a break from practicing, have fun with friends, and hope to win some fun prizes. Even if you don’t win, it is still a fun time. I also love Homecoming. The parade is always super fun, and the concert at the night’s end is always one to remember. It kicks off the year, and it is always great to see everyone’s family,” says Madison Bazylewicz ’26.

“My favorite memories so far are definitely any performance, such as the Christmas Festival. Our Christmas Festival is a beautiful service and performance the entire Music Department showcases every year, and it holds a special place in everyone’s heart. It is life-changing, to say the least. You hear from all the beautiful choirs, the Wind Orchestra, and the Philharmonic Orchestra. It is beyond beautiful, and I look forward to it every year!” Jana Paulsen ’26.


“One of my favorite Carthage memories was the first week of freshmen year.”