Class Visit Form Home Writing Center Class Visit Form Writing Center About the CenterSchedule an AppointmentStudent ResourcesFaculty ResourcesWriting Center FellowsContact Us Thank you for your interest in welcoming a Brainard Writing Center fellow into your classroom. We offer a variety of in-class workshops that can supplement your writing instruction and help students build a relationship with the writing center. Please complete the form below to let us know which workshop you are interested in and when works best in your course schedule. Class visits can begin on Sept. 9, 2024. We may not be able to accommodate requests for visits before Sept. 9th. Please allow us two to three weekdays to respond to your request. All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required. instructor_name required text field Instructor name* email_address required e-mail address field Email address* course_name required text field Course name and code* first_choice_for_class_visit required date/time field First choice for class (please allow at least 3 days notice)* at second_choice_for_class_visit required date/time field Second choice for class visit (please allow at least 3 days notice)* at class_location_or_link_to_virt required text field Class location or link to virtual class* paragraph field Please select one workshop per request. All workshops include an introduction to the Writing Center. Each workshop takes 15-30 minutes, depending on the level of student involvement. Instructors must be present in the room during the workshop. workshop_options radio button field Workshop Options Introduction to the Writing Center ONLY (10-15 minutes) AI in College Writing APA Formatting APA Formatting for Psychological Sciences Business Stats Case Studies Business Writing vs Story Telling Grammarly Incorporating Quotations MLA Formatting Participating in Peer Review Revising Your Writing Writing about Religious Texts Writing and Supporting a Thesis Statement Writing Textual Analysis Papers what_prompted_you_to_request_t checkbox field What prompted you to request this topic? I want to be proactive and make sure that the class has a baseline of knowledge on this topic. I want to show students that the writing center can help them with this topic. This topic ties in with in-class activities. I have noticed that students are not as proficient in this topic as I expected. Other additional_notes_and_informati text field Additional notes and information Link (required)