Carthage Wind Orchestra’s ‘Japan Tour Home Concert’ Sunday
The Carthage Wind Orchestra will present their “Return from Japan Concert” to celebrate their J-Term Japan tour at 2 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 26, in the A. F. Siebert Chapel.
The Carthage Wind Orchestra, an ensemble of woodwind, brass, and percussion performers will return to Japan for the sixth time in the past 14 years as part of a month-long study of Japanese music, culture, and language. The tour engages students in educational outreach and integrates their experiences with their Japanese musical counterparts. This year, the students will spend a few days at Sakuyo University (School of Music) along with performances at a four-concert tour.
The “Return from Japan Concert” includes a variety of works and performances. Among these pieces include “Respite,” by David Reeves, “Cyber Trip,” and “Shieldmaiden,” written by Jocelyn Hagen. Professor James Ripley, conductor of the Carthage Wind Orchestra, explains that “Shieldmaiden” is a production that “portrays the imagery of the female Vikings, called “Shieldmaidens,” and includes an exciting battle sequence incorporating the sound of ancient brass instruments and battle cries!” The piece was written in honor of the 150th anniversary of women at Carthage celebration as well as the intrepid spirit of the first women of Carthage.
Prof. Ripley also highlighted the timing of the concert, saying, “We can bring the music to our community just a couple of days after we return to Kenosha. It is really the culmination of the trip to play for our own friends and family.”
The concert is free and open to the public. For additional information, please contact Carthage Fine Arts at or 262-551-5859. Be sure to like us on Facebook for upcoming events and information about Fine Arts at Carthage.
Carthage Fine Arts
Fine Arts Box Office, 262-551-6661