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Interested in learning more about the impact of traumatic stress on the brain, on communities, and on social institutions? Consider taking the fall 2020 writing intensive course SWK 400FW: Trauma Across Social Contexts. The class is intended to broadly cover the implications of trauma across social contexts so that cross-disciplinary learners can approach their clients, patients, students, etc. in a trauma-informed manner.

Students will be provided with an overview of the impact of traumatic experiences including, but not limited to: child abuse, domestic violence, sexual assault, exposure to war, natural disasters, genocide, etc. Institutional forces such as poverty, racism, and sexism will be explored in terms of their relationship to both traumatic experience and to the community response to trauma. Students will learn the latest research that underscores the impact of trauma on brain development, on the human body, on a person’s ability to learn, and on human relationships. 

The foundation of this course is the social context in which trauma occurs. It will include examination of counseling approaches, educational interventions, medical model as well as “alternative” promising practices including yoga and theater and how these fit into the response to trauma.

If you have any questions, please contact Professor Debbie Minsky-Kelly at    


Department of Social Work


Debbie Minsky-Kelly