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In July, President Swallow announced that Carthage will initiate an aggressive anti-racism plan of action. One of the goals in the plan is to educate our community on issues of equity and inclusion. As such, we are proud to announce the launching of the Anti-Racism and Intercultural Seminar Experience (ARISE) initiative.

In the effort to improve our anti-racist work at the College, we will affirm our commitment to create a climate of intercultural literacy and inclusivity by focusing the ARISE initiative on first-year students. Participation in ARISE and completion of its assignments will be mandatory for all first-year students. 

ARISE will include a two-semester process of personal and relational growth among first-year students, and will have four phases. The experiences in these phases will include completion of a personalized intercultural self-awareness assessment called the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI). Students will also be assigned an IDI equity coach — a Carthage faculty or staff member who is trained to administer and review the IDI assessment with students.

The final component of the ARISE initiative will see students work with their equity coaches to develop an intercultural project, which will include academic and experiential components and which students will be required to complete before the end of their second semester.

For more information on the ARISE initiative, please contact:
