See a list of Workday terms to help with your registration process
As you begin using Workday to register for classes, you’ll notice different academic terminology being used in the platform. See below for a list of academic terms previously used in MyCarthage and a list of current terms in Workday. Please use the chart below for reference when accessing the Workday system.
MyCarthage Terms | Workday Terms |
Catalog Year | Requirement Effective Date |
Degree | Educational Credential |
Degree Audit | Academic Progress Report * |
Department | Academic Unit |
Designation (i.e. general education designation) | Course Tag |
Graduation Candidacy Form | Apply for Program Completion |
Inbox | My Tasks |
Major | Program of Study |
Prerequisite | Course Eligibility |
Semester/Term | Academic Period |
* Not to be confused with Progress Reports in Navigate