All Stories

Now that the clocks are all changed, the Office of Marketing and Communications invites Carthage faculty and staff members to spring forward with news of their recent accomplishments.

It’s easy! Just use our online form to post a short write-up for The Bridge. Any updates received by April 12 will also be considered for the Summer 2024 issue of The Carthaginian magazine.

Submit a news story

Examples of achievements

  • Awards (professional or personal)
  • Outreach or service learning projects
  • Election or appointment to a state/national organization
  • Significant teaching or research grants
  • Publication in peer-reviewed journals
  • Presentations at major professional conferences
  • Completion of Ph.D. or other advanced degree
  • New “side hustle”

Because these publications target a non-academic audience, it’s helpful to include brief context for the achievement’s significance (i.e., “the world’s largest professional association for microbiologists”).

Where the submission form asks for a story topic, choose “Kudos” unless another category applies. If humility or self-consciousness are holding you back, remember that your impact elevates the College as a whole. You can always ask the department chair or dean to submit it, or just email us at to request that we post it anonymously.

Thanks for all you do!