Sarah Mueller

Sarah Mueller

  • Archivist and Access Services Librarian
Email Address:
Office location:
Hedberg Library 212


Sarah is the College Archivist. She is responsible for the acquisition and storage of records related to the administration of the College, audio/visual materials created at Carthage, as well as Academic and Student Life.

As the Access Services Librarian at Hedberg Library Sarah is a member of the Library and Information Services (LIS) staff at Carthage. She is a Librarian and performs tasks related to the facilitation of access to information for the Carthage community.


  • M.A. Library and Information Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
  • B.S. Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Main responsibilities at Carthage

  • College Archivist
  • Course Reserves
  • Management of all circulating equipment and associated processes.
  • Oversight and management of the Request Tracker (RT) ticketing system and related communication.
  • Oversight and management of the Ask Albert LIS knowledge base.
  • Direct user support at the Information Desk and by appointment.
  • Instruction to groups and individuals on how to use library and technology resources that Carthage offers.
  • Creates and updates LIS webpages