Underwater exploration: Students scuba dive in Honduras for the J-Term study tour Biodiversity, B... This study tour offers adventurous students the opportunity to study the ecology of a Caribbean coral reef ecosystem, learn about the evolution of nervous systems and behavior, and study Honduran culture. The course is led by neuroscience professor Daniel Miller and biology professor Scott Hegrenes. Students can complete this study tour as either scuba divers or snorkelers. Students learn about unique aspects of tropical coral reef and rainforest ecosystems, and the taxonomy and neurobiology of marine life from invertebrates to humans. The tour concludes with three days in Copan, Honduras, where students explore the Mayan ruins of Copan, and the culture and dry forest ecosystem of the coffee growing region of Honduras.
C-SYM; satisfies Natural Sciences SCI (lab science) requirement; an elective for biology or neuroscience majors

Watch a video with more information on this study tour


Course code and title

NEU/BIO 675: Biodiversity, Brains, and Behavior




Prof. Scott Hegrenes (biology)
Prof. Paul Martino (biology)
Prof. Dan Miller (neuroscience)

Estimated travel dates

Jan. 8-19, 2022

Estimated costs
