David Hoffman
David Hoffman joined the Carthage voice faculty in 2023 teaching applied voice. He has many years of teaching experience as a collegiate and private teacher. His students perform across the US in opera, musical theater, and a plethora of CCM genres.
A champion of life-long learning, he continually explores ways to expand and enhance his pedagogical knowledge. He is a certified master teacher of the Estill Voice Model. He has worked with Sheri Sanders’ teacher training through Rock the Audition and completed training in Emotional Performance Pedagogy through EmoVerity. With colleagues Kerri Obert and Matthew Ellenwood, he created Integrated Vocal Pedagogy in 2019. He has presented at workshops through Vocology in Practice, NATS, and Cabaret Connexion Conference in Paris and has served as president for the Chicago Chapter of NATS.
He is also on the faculty of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, teaching versatile voice and vocal pedagogy and serving as the liaison with the musical theatre degree. He taught at the Theatre Conservatory at the Chicago College of Performance at Roosevelt University and the Old Town School of Folk Music. He has performed with a variety of companies in Chicago including Opera Inter Alia, Chicago Folks Operetta, Sinfonietta Bel Canto, and Da Corneto Opera, and he was a professional member of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Chorus. He holds degrees from the University of Michigan, Cleveland State University, and Bluffton College.